
Toll Free



Calm waters and Little Traffic ..

Wondering what is the best time to go boating? Early morning is usually the best time to ensure you enjoy the best boating conditions.

Pack a picnic or pick up some goodies from the world-famous Granville Island Market and enjoy breakfast on the water with family and friends.

Morning Benefits Include ..

– Calmest Waters (Usually)
– Less Boat Traffic
– Reach Destinations Faster
– Easier to find Docking / Car Parking
– Early Bird Discount


Looking to rent a boat at the best time of the day, we recommend you go first thing in the morning. You can also take advantage of our Early Bird Special : rent any boat first thing in the morning for 4hrs, you get the 5th hour free (not valid with any other offer).

Early mornings are usually the best time to get out on the water, as the water is usually at its calmest. Boating in the morning hours usually means you can reach some of our great destinations faster and have more time to relax and explore once you get there.

The busiest time of the day for boat traffic on the water is usually mid-day, so by departing earlier you will nearly have the ocean to yourself. These favorable conditions might save you some time traveling to different attractions, so you might have some extra time to stop off for a morning snack at either Bowen Island or Deep Cove, both beautiful seaside villages just an hour from our location.

Whether you love to get up early or don’t want to be out on the water at the hottest time of the day, then set off on your boat rental adventure first thing in the morning is one of the best times to go.

You may also find that it is easier to find docking space at the seaside villages and a car parking space on Granville Island during the morning hours.

Book your morning boat rental today ..

One Hour Free

Early Morning Online Special ..

One of the best times to go boating is usually the early mornings. The waters are usually calm at this time of the day, with very little boat traffic on the water.

With our Early Bird Special you receive your 5th hour free with any 4-hour boat rental departing at 9 am (Not valid with any other offer). This allows you enough time to truly relax and enjoy a picnic or dock the boat at a seaside village ..

Book your Special Occasion today ..

Some Pics


250km of coast to explore ..

Below are 2 of the most popular boating adventures we recommend to our customers. Create your trip ..

boat rental places to see
boat rental places to see


Some questions answered ..

The driver of the boat must be 21 years of age or older and fluent in English.

The fuel, tax and insurance ($10 per driver) are not included in the hourly rate.

No .. we provide you with a free one day boating license when you rent with us.

Gift Cards

Adventure awaits .. with the perfect birthday gift. More gift card info ..

More Info:

Your boat rental adventure awaits ..

Boat Rental Rates ..
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